Call for Papers

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We call for you to submit your work on computational photography to the IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP 2021). We seek works of the highest significance, interest and potential for impact. Concepts, problems, methods and results which are creative, daring, novel and thought-provoking are particularly appreciated. ICCP’2021 prioritizes interesting ideas over perfect increments. Journal-quality paper submissions (of entirely novel work) are welcome: we are currently working to formulate a process with a major IEEE journal, similarly to ICCP’2020 (details soon).

Computational photography is a vibrant area at the intersection of imaging, sensors, signal processing, computer vision and graphics. It seeks the creation of new photographic and imaging functionalities and experiences that go beyond the possibilities of exclusive, disparate camera and image processing technologies. This cross-disciplinary field further seeks a better understanding of imaging models, perception and limits, through holistic analysis.

We welcome high quality submissions including, but not limited to, those in the following areas:

    • Computational image acquisition, e.g. coded apertures
    • Computational illumination and displays
    • Advanced Image and video processing
    • Computational optics, e.g., wavefront coding, digital holography
    • Imaging by compressive sensing
    • Scientific imaging (e.g, microscopy, astronomy, biomed, geophysics)
    • Integration of image sensing with machine learning
    • Hardware for imaging sensors and illumination
    • Organizing and exploiting photo/video data
    • Capture of appearance, shape, illumination and underlying physical properties
    • Imaging, display and Illumination for user interfaces, e.g., AR/VR
    • Imaging models and limits
    • Physics-based rendering
    • Mobile Imagin

You are welcome to see examples of publications and presentations in the spirit of ICCP, from the recent past, at:

ICCP2019 and ICCP2020.

Call for abstracts: Physics & Optics track

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We call for you to submit your work on computational photography to the IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP) 2021. 

For over a decade, ICCP has been the meeting place of several communities, at the intersection of imaging, sensors, signal processing, computer vision and graphics. This intersection seeks the creation of new photographic and imaging functionalities and experiences that go beyond the possibilities of exclusive, disparate camera and image processing technologies. This cross-disciplinary field further seeks a better understanding of imaging models, perception and limits, through holistic analysis.

This call for abstracts is specifically intended for researchers focused on the physical/optical aspects of computational imaging. The abstracts in this track will be selected for oral talks (posters are described below). The accepted abstracts and recorded talks will appear on-line. Contrary to the paper-track call of ICCP’2021, these abstracts will not be considered peer-reviewed papers and will not appear in the IEEE conference proceedings. 

We seek works of the highest significance, interest and potential for impact in all fields involving computational imaging. Concepts, problems, methods and results which are creative, daring, novel and thought-provoking are particularly of interest. ICCP’2021 prioritizes interesting ideas over perfect increments. We welcome high quality submissions involving computational image acquisition and processing,  including, but not limited to, those in the following areas:

    • Microscopy
    • Endoscopy
    • Astronomy
    • Biomedical imaging
    • Single-photon imaging
    • Quantum imaging
    • Imaging in complex media: adaptive-optics and wavefront-shaping
    • Computational optics, e.g., wavefront coding, digital holography
    • Structured-illumination and Super-resolution techniques 
    • Imaging with compressive sensing
    • Integration of image sensing with machine learning
    • Ultrasound mediated optical imaging (acousto-optics and photo-acoustics)
    • Computational imaging in non-optical domains: Ultrasound, RADAR, Geophysics, etc.
    • Hardware for imaging sensors and illumination
    • Imaging, display and Illumination for user interfaces, e.g., AR/VR

Submission format

The submission includes: 1)  one-page abstract. 2) A one minute video, featuring a short explanation of the work by the person who will give the talk at the conference.

The abstract should be concise, and convince the committee, in a clear way, that the work and its results are novel, important, and of interest to the ICCP audience. The one-page abstract should include a figure with the main results of the work that demonstrate these merits. If relevant, please include links to arXiv, videos, or other supporting materials. Text is a single column, 11pts Times-New Roman fonts. 

The online submission system will be live soon. Details will be provided.

Poster option

Abstract from the physical/optics track can also be evaluated for the ICCP poster/demo track, independently of the oral presentations. 

Submission deadlineMarch 2nd, 2021
Acceptance noticeMarch 17th, 2021

Considering the current situation, accepted abstracts may be given the possibility of sending pre-recorded presentations. The final date for submitting pre-recorded presentations will be announced.

Call for Posters and Demos

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The IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP) brings together researchers and practitioners from the multiple fields that computational photography intersects: computational imaging, computer graphics, computer vision, optics, art, and design. We invite you to present your work to this broad audience during the ICCP posters session. Whereas ICCP papers must describe original research, the posters and demos give an opportunity to showcase previously published or yet-to-be-published work to a broader community.

The poster track is non-exclusive: works submitted to the peer-review paper or physics/optics abstract tracks of ICCP are welcomed to
be submitted for poster presentation as well.  

We are now accepting submissions for the following kinds of work for presentation as posters and demos:


    • Recent research on computational photography previously published in another venue. This is your chance to present your work to the full computational photography audience!
    • Late-breaking technical results and research, including, but not limited to, progress in computational algorithms, optical system design, and innovative applications.


    • Demos of working computational photography prototypes and tools and software platform and/or imaging instrumentation utilizing computational photography techniques, including both research and commercial systems.

The list of accepted and presented Posters and Demos are announced on our conference website, which serves as a record of presentation.

Submission Format & Deadlines

Submissions should include one or more paragraphs describing the proposed poster/demo, as well as author names and affiliations. We strongly encourage you to submit supporting materials, such as published papers, images or other media, videos, demos, and websites describing the work. Attachments under 5 MB are accepted. Otherwise, please provide a URL, or use an attachment delivery service like Dropbox or Hightail. Please email your submission directly to

Submission deadline (both posters & demos)March 13, 2021 (11:59 PM PT)
Decision notificationMarch 19, 2021

Considering the current situation, accepted Posters&Demos* may be given the possibility of sending short pre-recorded presentations. The final date for submitting pre-recorded presentations will be announced.